Investment Advisory - Norman K

Investment Advisory

Direct investments  - Norman K

Direct investments

We advise our clients on direct investments in equities and bonds, which provides total visibility for the client on his investments and lower fees for easily replicable strategies.

Our Equity Strategy is based on a fundamental analysis of companies in line with our investment philosophy, focusing on sectors and geographical areas of our competence.

Our bond strategy is based on yield optimization with the priority objective of preserving capital. Our team has the knowledge to offer various bond strategies in the sovereign and corporate debt segments with in-depth credit analysis.

AMC - Norman K


We also offer the possibility to create your investment vehicle through an AMC (Actively Managed Certificate).

In collaboration with our partners, you can create your investment strategy and integrate it directly into your portfolio with any custodian. You will then own a single investment position in your portfolio, which reflects all the investments made through the AMC.

AMCs offer great investment flexibility but also an efficient fee structure allowing you to create or participate in a specific strategy.

Structured Products

At Norman K., we offer tailor-made products to create your own “pay-off” and ensure a regular distribution of income or a capital gain: structured products.

Each structured product is specific to each investor and tailor-made. We define the strategy to be implemented and issue the product for each investor according to his objective: return, participation in the rise of the global market, or a basket of shares…

By creating a completely tailor-made portfolio we can provide a 100% personalized allocation for our clients, allowing them higher flexibility in the investment strategy by defining their return criteria.